An inspiring and audacious adventure, to make your skin happy.

Mademoiselle Kelapa grew up in the Parisian jungle, a multicultural city, where beauty and sophistication are a leitmotif in women's daily lives.

After various professional experiences in the luxury industry, notably for a international renown French cosmetics Maison, Mademoiselle Kelapa lands in Bali where a reality and a new powerful vision of beauty surprises her : natural cosmetics, unknown from Parisian department stores, are in Bali a true religion. A careful thought clearly appeared to her : why are we, Western’s young women, so often pushed to use chemicals for our beauty, while nature has everything to offer ? How can we spend so much money and dedicate such a cult to products that show no respect for our body neither for the environment and humanity we live in ?

Something then clicked, she wanted to communicate the message to the younger generation : Natural is the new Luxury !

Her challenge is to make you understand that natural and organic products can work effectively with a vision of high-end beauty, sophistication and sensuality ! 

Mademoiselle KELAPA is not another person who wants to surf on the organic consumer trend, but a true lover of beauty. The cosmetic formulas designed for her products are the result of her own recipes and imagination, directly inspired from a lifestyle based on an authentic love of nature and the needs of a high-end urban dynamism.



Our cosmetics are formulated from powerful and effective plant-active ingredients and without any chemicals.

Our cosmetics products are formulated from powerful and effective plant-active ingredients and without any chemicals.

Our challenge is to offer you a simple and effective beauty routine and respectful products for your daily body care. Our mantra : 5 to 10 ingredients maximum in each of our formulas. We are commited to deliver natural cosmetic formulas that really work, inspired by the best plant ingredients and made from natural resources that are carefully selected for their purity and quality.



Unique elaboration of textures and odors : An explosion for the senses !

Natural ? YES !

But not to the detriment of precision and sophistication: nice textures, subtle fragrance, delicate touch ... our products are carefully designed to create an explosion of senses and make your beauty routine a moment of pure happiness !

Mademoiselle Kelapa dedicates great importance to the Pleasure of Senses and the sophistication of beauty. Indeed, our brand is represented by a fresh, young, tropical and floral timeless olfactory identity. We also make our best to offer you rich, luxurious textures, pleasant to handle, with a velvety touch and application to the skin. While remaining 100% natural, without synthetic perfumes or chemicals !



Our strong commitment is social and environmental

How we define our commitment :

A sustainable economy that supports local farmers and producers.
An environment-friendly producing process : our products are handmade, our workshop limits the use of machines and electricity.
Our products are made according to European hygiene standards.
Our ingredients are natural and organic, our packaging is sober and made from recyclable materials (PET, glass or aluminium).
Our products are cruelty-free, non-tested on animals, at any point of their formulation or production.
We support local Balinese families thanks to Saba’s Kids and Bali Children Foundation : to purchase our products is a direct contribution to the education of a disadvantaged Balinese child !


In collaboration with Bali Children's Foundation,

Saba’s Kids sponsor the education of disadvantaged Balinese kids to help them stay in school and have a brighter future.

In collaboration with Bali Children's Foundation, Saba’s Kids sponsor the education of disadvantaged Balinese kids to help them stay in school and have a brighter future.

Saba and Jesse have been coming to Bali since 2007. One of the first things they noticed was the magnetic friendliness of the local children. Despite having very little, they run around finding fun with their beautiful big smiles. Unfortunately in Bali, many families can't afford to pay for their child's education. Without an education, these children are at a huge disadvantage, and are ultimately lucky to find even low paying work.
Having been so fortunate living in Bali over the years, Saba and Jesse wanted to raise awareness about this issue and raise money to fund education for as many underprivileged kids in Bali as possible.

There are many children in Bali living in extremely poor conditions where their only option is to drop out of primary school and work in the fields, as their fathers and forefathers have done for centuries.

These agricultural areas are shrinking with the addition of new and wider roads to accommodate the growing tourist demand for more hotels, villas and restaurants. The children in these areas will have very little or no work at all.

However, with your sponsorship through Saba's Kids and Bali Children Foundation, these children will be able to stay at school, finish high school, get employment or go on to University or Technical College. With their strong sense of community, the whole family and village will also benefit from their education.

When you shop on our website, every purchase has a beautiful purpose : you contribute to this beautiful project to help Balinese child to get a better education and a better life.


You can discover and purchase our products in the following shops, spas & villas :